C code Library

------------ idl_tools Release 1.0.1 --------------------------------------
These file are, in general, Copyright (c), 1999 Randall Frank

See the file "COPYING" and the end of this document for further remarks.


This archive contains a number of tools I have written to extend
the functionality of Research Systems' IDL product. Most of the functions
are written as a DLM, but a few are .PRO files. Complete source code is
included for all the DLMs.
I just thought some of you might find these things useful, so I
figured I would put the source put for people to play with.


This release consists of the following broad features:

* Sockets API for Windows and Unix
* An interface to gzip compression for files and variables
* An async sound playing API for Windows (DirectSound based)
* A polygon mesh decimation routine
* A TWAIN interface for Windows
* An array slabbing API
* A generic interface for calling Windows DLL functions directly

To use these APIs, drop the idl_tools.dll and idl_tools.dlm files into
your IDL directory under Windows or place the idl_tools.so and idl_tools.dlm
files into the location where you start up IDL under Unix. You can
check for the presence of the APIs using the HELP,/DLM command under
IDL. The DLM was built using IDL 5.2.1 and may need changes for other
versions of IDL. Direct access to DLL functions is only available
in IDL 5.3 (and later?).

The individual APIs are documented as follows:


socket = SOCK_CREATEPORT(portnum)

Creates a socket listening on the specified port for a new
connection. SOCK_SELECT returns true for this socket if
there is an attempt to connect to it (which should be
serviced by SOCK_ACCEPT).

err = SOCK_CLOSE(socket)

Close and free the socket in question.

socket = SOCK_CONNECT(host,port)

Connect to a socket listener on some specified host and port.
The returned socket can be used for I/O after the server
"accepts" the connection.

socket = SOCK_ACCEPT(socket)

Accepts a requested connection and returns a socket on which
I/O can be performed.

nbytes = SOCK_SEND(socket, variable)

Sends the raw byte data from the IDL variable on the
socket. Returns the number of bytes sent or -1 for error.
Note: no byteswapping is performed.

nbytes = SOCK_RECV(socket, variable [, MAXIMUM_BYTES=b])

Reads the raw data available on the socket and returns a BYTE
array in variable. The maximum number of bytes to read
can be specified by the MAXIMUM_BYTES keyword. The default
is to read all the data available on the socket.
Note: no byteswapping is performed.


Returns various information about the socket in question.
AVAILABLE_BYTES : number of bytes available for reading.
REMOTE_HOST: host number of the remote host the socket
is connected to.
IS_LISTENER: true if the socket was created using

err = SOCK_SENDVAR(socket, variable)

Sends a complete IDL variable to a socket for reading by
SOCK_RECVVAR. The variable must be one of the basic types,
but strings and arrays are sent with array dimensions and
lengths intact.

Note: This is the easiest way to send a complete variable from
one IDL to another. The receiver will automatically
byteswap the data if necessary. One should be careful
as the latter send formatted information. You can use
the two calls on the same socket as long as they are

err = SOCK_RECVVAR(socket, variable)

Reads an IDL variable from the socket in the form written by
SOCK_SENDVAR. The complete variable is reconstructed.
See: SOCK_SENDVAR for more details.

out = SOCK_SELECT(sockets[], timeout)

Checks to see if there is data waiting to be read or a
connection has been requested for a list of sockets.
The return value is -1 on error, scalar 0 if no sockets
are ready or returns a list of the sockets which are ready.
The routine waits the number of seconds specified by the
timeout argument for sockets to become ready. A timeout
value of 0 results in a poll of the sockets.

host = SOCK_NAME2HOST(['name'])

Converts the ASCII host name into an unsigned long host value.
If ['name'] is not specified, the local host name is used.

name = SOCK_HOST2NAME([host])

Converts the unsigned long host value into an ASCII hostname.
If [host] is not specified, the local hostname is returned.

General notes:
All error codes return -1 on failure.
The socket identifier is NOT the actual underlying OS
socket number, it is an IDL abstraction.
ports are 16bit integers.
hosts are unsigned 32bit integers.


err = GZIP('infile','outfile')

Compress the contents of the input file to the output file
in .gz format. The outfile can be read with gunzip.

err = GZIP( var, 'outfile')

Compress the binary contents of the IDL variable VAR to
the output file in .gz format.

err = GUNZIP('infile','outfile')

Uncompress the input (.gz) file to the specified output file.

err = GUNZIP('infile', var [,LENGTH=l[,OFFSET=o])

Uncompress the input (.gz) file into an IDL byte array.
The LENGTH and OFFSET keywords specify the number of bytes
to skip over in the (uncompressed) input stream and the
number of bytes to return in VAR.

err = PACKVAR( invar, outvar)
err = UNPACKVAR( invar, outvar)

These two routines pack an IDL variable into another IDL
variable (byte array) using gzip compression. Note: the
unpack function will reconstruct the original variable
type and there is about a 50 byte overhead for the
compression. So, you won't see any real compression unless
the input variable is more than 100 bytes in length or so.

Notes: this API uses DirectSound. You must have DirectSound installed
for the API to work. In addition, the acquisition calls use DirectSound
5.0 routines and they will not work on versions of Windows NT prior to
5.0. The code is dynamically loaded and will automatically detect the
presence of the appropriate levels of DirectSound. In general, you can
use the playback API on NT4/95/98 and the acquisition code under NT5/95/98.


handle = SND_PLAY(sounddata, rate)

Plays a sampled sounds stream at the given rate (samples per second).
Sounddata can be a 1D array (mono) or a [2,N] array (stereo).
The data can be in 8bit (unsigned) or 16bit (signed), all other
types are converted to 16bit signed internally. The sound
plays asynchronously and can be controlled by the returned handle.
Once the sound has finished playing, the handle is no longer valid
(this is a one-shot system). Note: multiple sounds can be played
simultaneously and all handles will be unique.

err = SND_STOP([handle])

If a handle is specified (and playing), its playing will
be stopped and its memory reclaimed. If no handle is specified,
ALL playing sounds will be stopped and reclaimed.

err = SND_QUERY([handle])

Returns 1 if the specified handle is still playing.
Returns -1 if the specified handle does not exist (or is done playing).
If no handle is specified, the function returns 1
if any sounds are playing, otherwise it returns 0.

General notes:
The system is based on DirectSound. It will not init
if DirectSound is not installed.
All error codes return -1 on failure.
Sound handles are passively reclaimed whenever any of
the SND_XXX routines are called. This means that any
sounds that play themselves out will not have their
memory/resources reclaimed until the next SND_XXX call
or IDL shutdown.

err = SND_ACQ_START(buffersize)

Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success.
BUFFERSIZE is the size of the acquire buffer in seconds.
Sound will start recording and be placed into the buffer.
The caller must call SND_ACQ_DATA() to keep the buffer empty.
BUFFERSIZE should be at least twice the size of the amount
of data one wishes to digitize. Note: on somme platforms,
the buffer is circular, so you should call SND_ACQ_DATA()
at least one every 1/2 BUFFERSIZE to keep data from being

err = SND_ACQ_STOP()

Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success.
This call stops the dynamic acquisition.

err = SND_ACQ_DATA(duration, data, rate)

Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success.
DURATION is an input argument that specifies the duration of
the acquire in seconds.
Data returns the actual data (byte or int form, one or 2 channels).
Rate returns the sampling rate at which the sound was acquired (Hz).
This function returns the next DURATION seconds of data from the
cicular buffer. If DURATION seconds of data are not available,
the routine blocks until they become ready.


ntris = MESH_THIN(verts,conn,numtris,vout,cout[,BLOCKSIZE=b][,PRESERVE_EDGES=p]

Given a polygon mesh consisting of a [3,n] vertex array (VERTS) and
a polygon connectivity array (CONN). This routine will reduce the
density of the original mesh to NUMTRIS triangles (if possible) by
collapsing polygon edges. The return value is the number of output
triangles (generally the same as NUMTRIS) with VOUT and COUT being
the output vertex and connectivity arrays. Note that this routine
will not generate any new vertices. The verts returned in VOUT will
be a subset of those passed in VERTS. If the PRESERVE_EDGES keyword
is set, polygons along "open" edges of a mesh will not be removed.
The BLOCKSIZE keyword is a performance trade-off. The default value
is about 20% of NUMTRIS. It controls the number of triangles
removed before triangle cost functions are re-evaluated. A value
of 1 results in a higher quality reduction, but is VERY slow.
AUXDATA_IN and AUXDATA_OUT allow the user to specify a vector of data
which is attached to each vertex. The righmost array dimensions of
the input array must match the number of vertices input. AUXDATA_WEIGHTS
is a vector of weighting values (default values are 1.0).
This function removes polygon edges with the lowest cost based on:

edgelength*curvature + sum( auxweight(i)*|v0:auxvalue(i)-v1:auxvalue(i)| )

where v0 and v1 are the verts on the edge to be collapsed and
edgelength is the distance between them. Curvature is a measure of
the local maximum curvature (0.0=flat 1.0=max curvature). For
example, for N verts, the AUXDATA_IN could be color data [3,N]
array of bytes. In this case, AUXDATA_WEIGHTS might be
[1./255.,1./255.,1./255.] to normalize the local color differences.

AUXDATA_OUT is the same as AUXDATA_IN with the data for removed
vertices removed (also, the format will be float or byte).



Returns 1 if the machine as a TWAIN Data Manager installed and
Returns 0 if the machine has no Data Manager.

error = TWAIN_SELECT()

Implements the TWAIN "Select Source" menu item. Allows the
user to select from between the installed data sources via
a modal dialog.

error = TWAIN_ACQUIRE(image,info[,r,g,b])

Performs an image acquisition. The image will be in bytes and
can be [x,y] (monochrome and pseudo color) or [3,x,y] (Truecolor).
Various information about the acquired image is returned in the
INFO struct (similar to the QUERY_XXX routines with DPI added).
The R,G,B optional arguments return the color palette to be used
with the image (if any). If a palette is returned with a TrueColor
image, it is the optimal 8bit palette for the image to be dithered



This API copies a block of data from VARIN to VAROUT. The source
block is defined to start at some position P, of size S samples,
using the stride STR to walk through the source. By default, VAROUT
is created to hold this data exactly. If PASTE_ARRAY is specified
and VAROUT is an array of the same dimensionality and type as VARIN,
the block will be pasted into the existing VAROUT array and the
PASTE_POSITION and PASTE_STRIDE keywords can be used to specify
any location and stride in the output array. By default, if the
regions hang outside of either of the arrays, an error will be
thrown. If /CLIP is specified, the regions will be clipped to
the bounds of VARIN (and if PASTE_ARRAY is set, VAROUT as well).
The position keywords default to a vector of zeros, the stride
keywords to a vector of ones and the size keyword defaults to
the extent of VARIN beyond the specified position. Note: negative
stride values are legal.



This interface allows an IDL program to directly access the
exported functions in any Windows DLL. This interface can
replace the CALL_EXTERNAL wrappers for many functions under
Windows. The interface consists of two functions. One to
define the external function to IDL and one to query the
external function table. Note: this is a very powerful and
potentially dangerous function. Misuse can cause your
computer to crash. Users are warned to take extra caution
when using these routines.

err = EXTPROC_DEFINE(idlname,dllfilename,dllfuncname,funcsig[,/CDECL])

This function takes four string arguments and will define
an IDL procedure or function to map to the function
function or procedure will be named IDLNAME. The function
is assumed to have parameters specified by the string FUNCSIG.
If the DLL function follows the CDECL calling conventions,
the /CDECL flag must be set. The function signature (FUNCSIG)
is a string of the following form:


Where [ret] and [arg] are single characters. [ret] can be:

v : void - use this to select no return value
p : pointer - see below
c : byte
i : short
I : unsigned short
l : long int
L : unsigned long int
f : float
d : double

[arg] can be anything except 'v'. Each letter defines one
of the arguments to the external function. For the letters
c,i,I,l,L,f,d, IDL will convert the input IDL variable to
a scalar of the appropriate type and pass the result to the
DLL function (if the function signature is incorrect, it is
likely that IDL will crash). 'v' is only available before
the first '(' and signifies that there is no return value
from the function. If a return value is specified, an
IDL function will be defined which return a scalar of the
type specified by [ret]. Pointers ('p') follow slightly
different rules. If the return value is a pointer, the
memory address returned by the function will be placed in
an IDL unsigned long and returned to the IDL application.
If an argument is specified as a pointer and the IDL variable
passed is a scalar, then the value of that IDL variable will
be passed to the function as the pointer. If an argument
has a pointer signature and the IDL variable passed is an
array, the address of the start of the memory storage in
the IDL array is passed as a pointer to the DLL function.
Thus, if a function takes an argument of (float *) and the
user knows the pointer needs to point to 20 floats, an
IDL float array of length 20 can be passed directly as
the pointer argement. If an IDL string is passed as a
pointer argument, a pointer to the string value is passed
to the function. No type casting of pointer arguments
is performed.

Note: there can be an issue when attempting to compile code
that relies on functions defined by EXTPROC_DEFINE, before
the actual EXTPROC_DEFINE call has been made. IDL will not
be aware of the routine and may have problems compiling. One
way to work around this is to use CALL_FUNCTION and CALL_PROCEDURE
to call the actual functions defined by EXTPROC_DEFINE. This
situation is similar to that which can arise with LINKIMAGE.

The function "_cdecl double sin(double)" in msvcrt.dll.


This defines the function MYSIN() to IDL to take a single
argument (as a double) and to return a double.

The function "bool MessageBeep(int)" in user32.dll.

print,EXTPROC_DEFINE("mymessagebeep","user32.dll", $

Allows one to use: print,MYMESSAGEBEEP(x) in IDL.

status = EXTPROC_QUERY(idlname)

The function returns a null string if the named function has not
been defined previously or the function signature if it has
already been defined.


This function "dereferences" a pointer and copies the data it
points to into an IDL variable. The address in memory is
specified by the variable ADDR. By default, a single byte of
data is copied into an IDL byte array (the same as the keyword
BYTE=1). One of the keywords should be used to select the type
of IDL array to return and the number of elements of that type
to return is the value of the keyword. For example, specifing
LONG=8 will cause 8 4byte longs to be read starting at the memory
address specified by ADDR and their values will be returned as
an 8 element IDL long array. If /STRING is specified, this
function will return an IDL string that is a copy of the C
(null terminated) string located at ADDR.

Note: caution should be taken with this function as improper use
can crash IDL.



I (Randall Frank) am the only person working on this software. If you
have a question or a problem, you can email me, but I do not know how much
support I can give you. If you find any bugs, please let me know and I
will try to address them. Also, I am open to suggestions for enhancements
or additional programs.

Randall Frank

Known issues/bugs:

* The TWAIN interface should use memory transfer instead of bitmaps

Future possibilities:

* Shared memory API
* HW accelerated volume rendering
* Automated Image Registration
* Image processing functions
* OG keyframe animation editor
* Wavefront OBJ file I/O
* FFTW interface

Revision history:

1.0.0 22 Apr 99 Initial release
1.0.1 30 May 99 Fixed a couple of mesh bugs and added SLAB
1.0.2 18 Sep 99 Made the sound APIs dynamically loaded to
improve Windows NT support
1.1.0 26 Sep 99 Fixed an issue with older DirectSound & NT
Added the shared memory API
1.2.0 12 Mar 00 Fixed a bug in the sockets code for handling
of a keyword. Added code necessary to support
DirectX 7 with the sound playing API. Minor
tweaks to the decimation routine. Added the DLL
direct access functions (EXTPROC).


The author would like to thank the following people for their
input into this software.

Stan Melax - cost functions for mesh decimation
The TWAIN Working Group - http://www.twain.org - example TWAIN source

Other contributors:

There are several files in this distribution from other authors which
are not covered by the notices in the file "COPYING":

zlib - (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler (see the readme)

DynaCall() - Ton Plooy, Windows Developer's Journal, Aug 1998.